Thursday, August 30, 2012



                 There are lots of languages in this world. A thousand, perhaps. Language serves as a tool for us to communicate with each other and to share our ideas and feelings to everyone. Without this, there will be no discussions and imagine. So God gave us language for us to understand each other.
                We are known to be Filipinos because of our national language. And in celebration for the “Buwan ng Wika”, we should know how to care and value our own language.
                Modern technology had began far enough to technologically improve people’s way of living. One of the technologies is the cellphone, this gadget had influenced people especially teenagers here in the Philippines. They are fun of texting using this and because of that, “jejemon” had banged in the news, papers, television news and adds. As we all know, jejemon is a contradictory of using our language right. Just like the words “po” turned to “powhzxs”, “sige” to “cgue”. This bad trait shows that our Filipino language is not firmly established. This is one reason why writing and reading skills of students are getting low. Sometimes, there are Filipinos who almost forget using our own language because of having their vacation to the other country. This proves that they don’t love their own country and our own language. We should be thankful to our ancestors who sacrificed their lives for us to have our national language. Because of this, we can understand each other.
                Instead of using the language of other country, why not just use our own language? We should be proud of our nationality. We are not known to be Filipinos if we do not use our own language. We should establish the use of our Filipino language s that our nationality will be strong. We should be proud that we are Filipinos, we should be proud that we are using Filipino language!

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