Annually, we are celebrating the Science Month. And for this year, 2012, the theme is "SCIENTRICITY:Energizing Science Clubbers for Sustainable Energy." Why do we have to celebrate the Science Month? What is it contributes to us?
We are now in a high modern technology. But as of today, we are suffering from crisis. Scientists and inventors keep on discovering and inventing something new. And people want these inventions to try. Of course in using these inventions, they will use energy. So, how an we conserve energy if in this world we are living, we need electricity to live; to sustain our secondary needs? Sometimes, some people abuse the usage of electricity. Even if they don't need it, they keep on using energy. They are using energy at the same time. Television, laptop, charger, radio, etc. Sometimes, they are using these at the same time. Because most of us are not aware in conserving energy. All we are doing is to use, use and use. We don't know how to conserve it. And when our electric bills come to us, we are shocked with its high cost. The source of our energy are solar, wind, nuclear energy and geothermal energy.
We should not waste energy. We should conserve it.